Friday, May 20, 2011

The Quest for Ramen

Every Thursday Night/Friday Morning for the past few years has meant only one thing to me... A new episode of Naruto!

"Naruto (NARUTO—ナルト—?, romanized as NARUTO) is an ongoing Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Masashi Kishimoto. The plot tells the story of Naruto Uzumaki, an adolescent ninja who constantly searches for recognition and aspires to become a Hokage, the ninja in his village that is acknowledged as the leader and the strongest of all. The series is based on a one-shot comic by Kishimoto that was published in the August 1997 issue of Akamaru Jump." - Wikipedia

The name Naruto is actually taken from the word Narutomaki which is a common addition to a Japanese Food Dish, Ramen. Ramen is portrayed as the most delicious meal in the series and I have always wanted to try it out and see what the fuss was all about.

Above Image - Naruto eating Ramen

I had been looking for this dish for quite some time, but seeing as most of the Oriental Restaurants in my area were Chinese and not Japanese it seemed impossible to find. BUT! One day a few weeks ago while stumbling through blogs and sites looking for things to do in Pretoria, I came across a Japanese Restaurant - Matsuya

Later that day I went to check it out... I looked through the menu, found ramen and immediately ordered it. A few minutes later to my surprise they brought me a MASSIVE helping of what smelled like heaven.

To say Ramen is tasty doesn't do it any justice at all. The smell, sheer size of the bowl and the delectable taste from start to finish was a one of a kind experience. Do I understand Naruto a bit better now? HELL YEAH! I recommend ramen to anyone who is willing to try something new and has some money to spend on the meal. (seeing as it was about R70 per bowl)

Above Image - Ramen - A 10/10 meal.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Green Hydra - Part 2

Okay.. so today I got my Jailbroken iPod Touch 4G sold for R3000 to add to the "Hydra Fund"

Above Image - iPod Touch 4th Generation

A bit about the iPod :
All in all i loved the iPod Touch 4th Generation, The Retina Display was amazingly crisp and sound quality was pretty good too, but at the end of the day, it was just an expensive mp3 player with a nice colour screen.

My policy when it comes to selling my old shit has always been to replace it with something of similar value or usage, so.. seeing as the iPod was a music device with 32GB of flash storage, I have decided to replace it with a decent pair of audio/gaming headphones and a Solid State drive to use with my notebook.

After much research I've decided to get the A-data S511 60GB Solid state drive, and a Pair of Razer Orca Headphones. I'll give a short review and some tech specs of each when I get them, till then.. stay tuned :D

Above Image - Razer Orca

Above Image - A-data S511 Solid State Drive (480GB, couldn't find image of 60GB)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Green Hydra - Part 1

"Laptops.. shit I hate them"

For years I've been screaming and shouting at friends that have wasted countless thousands of rand on laptops with poor specs. And sadly this year.. I've become one of them. Due to needing a notebook in class at my College I bought a "fast" Samsung R580 (Core i5, 4GB Ram, Nvidia 330m 1GB, 640GB HDD) which surprisingly doesnt seem that bad but lets be honest, its no beast.

Above Image - Samsung R580

Switching between my desktop and notebook everyday to play games on max settings has become a bitch to say the least, which is making me game less and less because I end up using my notebook for classwork and dont bother even switching my PC on...

So... I was thinking, why bother have a desktop and a notebook when I can combine them and have the best notebook that (MY) money can buy.

I am naming this project - The Green Hydra... my attempt to speed up a notebook to the extreme with a medium budget and throwing that damn desktop out the window.

This week I will be in the process of researching various SSD drives, and hopefully coming to a conclusion on which I will install in this excuse for a "fast" notebook.

Above Image - Current Windows Experience Index Score

Monday, May 16, 2011


First of all, Welcome to my blog...

This will be the home of my senseless rants, art projects, tech talk, and food reviews

Coming Soon :
The Quest for Ramen
The Green Hydra - Part 1
Sushi...or not?